Most of us want a little color in our lives'. One of the easiest ways to add color to our world is by growing flowering plants. These plants below were carried home in Granny's saddle bags during a lunch time Lowe's shopping whim. Red was on my mind.

Soon after planting these little fellas, Texas, North Texas especially, had the longest and most severe thunder and lightning storms Texas has seen in years. It beat the poor little guys down pretty bad.

I looked at my little plants and the beleaguered shape they were in, beaten down they were ... and took it as a symbol of hope. Y'all can take it however it suits you and you will be every bit as right as I am. I have seen examples like this all my life.

I, like the little blossoms, have been beaten down, beaten down so low that most around me thought there was no chance for recovery. The way I look at the dealeo may seem overly simplistic to you and that very well may be. I do know that I have lived long enough to have seen this sort of thing occur over and over.

No matter how steep the odds against it happening - No matter how low you go, keep a little picture of these beauties in the corner of your heart. When you have been beaten down to that point where you know you cannot be beaten any lower, take the picture out and know that no matter how small you think you are and no matter how bad the storm was, you can survive and you can overcome.
Blessings -

The page's background is a shot of my new Indian blanket. I had a green one like it that I found at the Trading Post in Alpine, Texas. In the spirit of giving; it is now in the possession of my good friends, BD & Zan. I don't know about you but sometimes I give a personal gift and then I get to missing it. Two of my very good friends, Groundhog and DJ filled the hole in my heart and brought back a replacement blanket from the very same Trading Post. I love the color and I appreciate the gesture. It is true ... giving gifts, tangible and untangible, can be very rewarding, very rewarding indeed. Over the years I have repeatedly found this to be true.

Love to all my friends, you know who you are ...