Plano Park Walk

A Winter Morning Walk

It was about 30 degree out, a beautiful morning. It was too beautiful a morning to let go to waste. I knew there was a little park not far from where I had moved in Plano, Texas. I donned my squall jacket and headed in that direction. Before I had taken more than a dozen steps I remembered I had a nice Romeo y Juliet cigar waiting to be smoked. I went back, retrieved the cigar, put a nice V cut in the closed end and marched outside to a sparkling, sunny day.

One might wonder the significance of a walk in a park, or perhaps more to the point, why am I sharing it here. Quit simply, I was going through a major change in my life. I was sixty years old and on my own. I was rediscovering the simple things that can make a human being happy and/or content. With all the turmoil and disruptions in one's life, a walk in the park can do one's soul a tremendous amount of good.

A Neighborhood Park

Meandering Walk

A path going off into the woods.

On the Path

Winter Trail


Have some pancakes while you are here.
You'll need to keep up your strength.
This is the end - Thank You
