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![]() ![]() We are T.M.R.A. - The SSOM has leaned into a few curves in recent issues. It has covered several topics, steering towards editorials, sweeping through history and throwing a kickstand down at club events. The author of the SSOM, me, has been mulling over just exactly what is this T.M.R.A. thing anyway. With over a decade of experience as a member of the organization, I am still discovering new aspects. I think I have boiled it down to a single thing - the essence - the key ingredient - the driving force - it is people; the members; You - Me. But who are these people? Who are the people that have spent a large part of their lives sporting a T.M.R.A. patch? That's what I've taken upon myself to find out. So as I travel the roads of Texas, finding little juicy places to visit and dine, I will also investigate the people behind the blue and red patch - think of the SSOM's subtitle as: We are T.M.R.A. Sam Phillips - T.M.R.A. Membership #1228 Sam was born October 14, 1926 in Mercury, Texas. For you transplants, that's Merc' kree, Texas. Sam's parents decided to try farming. They found themselves a tenant-farming gig near Lohn, Texas. At the age of 9, Sam fell in love with motorcycles. |
One day the landlord's son rode into the fields where the children were working. He gave each of them a ride on the back. Sam said that all they had to sit on was an iron rack but that didn't matter. He went on to say, "Fire breathing, gravel slinging machine, I knew I love them at that moment." Change of Plans Anyone familiar with American history during the mid-thirties knows making a living was darn tough. The Phillips family had that harsh reality driven home. The farming thing didn't work out. In 1938 they loaded up all their possessions and moved to Brownwood, Texas where Sam's dad worked for the Works Projects Administration (WPA) and also as a janitor. It is easy to see where Sam got his work ethic. December 7, 1941 The attack on Pearl Harbor changed everyone's life. Sam's two older brothers were drafted immediately following the "date that will live in infamy." Sam was anxious to follow his brothers but had to wait until he was 17. He picked the USN. They saved plenty of war for Sam. As a Seaman 1st Class, he got in all the licks he could and then after 3 1/2 years he was discharged. Helen On a 60-day leave, between Sam's reenlistment, he met his lovely future wife Helen. Sam is a man who knows what he wants. He wanted two things more than anything else. He wanted Helen to be his wife and he wanted a motorcycle. ![]() I am sure many of my readers will relate to this - Sam soon wanted something bigger. The cubic inches jumped to a dizzying 74CU when Sam purchased a 1947 Indian Chief for the astronomical sum of $750. |
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![]() Sam cut quite a figure on his Indian. Sam was a devoted family man so when the kids came, as kids are wont to do, he put his two-wheel dreams aside and invested all his resources into his wife and daughters, which he had three of; daughters, not wives. Sam became a fire fighter in 1950. A first rate fireman at that as 30 years later he retired as Captain. I am getting ahead of myself; let me back up to when Sam and Helen got back into motorcycling. ![]() Two years before the Guzzi, Sam joined T.M.R.A. Sam told me that all his friends throughout his life have been either fire fighters or motorcycle people or both. ![]() |
Sam rode his Moto Guzzi for ten years before getting another motorcycle. The year was 1984. As any Harley aficionado can tell you, that was the first year for the EVO engine. Sam traded in for a brand new Harley with the engine that changed the company forever. ![]() In 2005 Sam purchased his Ultra Classic Fire Fighter Model and then within the first six months converted it into a trike. You'll have to go to the SSOM website to see that beautiful bike, in color, as you'll see all these pictures. ** Sam has a couple of other interesting hobbies. Sam has studied and worked hard to become a master gardener. I have been lucky enough to taste his produce - yum! Sam shares the love of photography with me. He has a good eye and it shows in his work. Sam has been a real benefit to T.M.R.A. having stepped up three times to serve on the board when needed. He is a real inspiration and we need dozens more like him. Twenty-five years ago, in early October, Sam took off on a route he had been planning for some time. He got the idea for a mini-Iron Butt and wanted to make it as traffic free as possible. It turned out to be close enough to 750 so he called it done. The Permian Basin folks voted to make it an official run and in June of 87 the first Annual 750/50 was kicked-off. After running in June for a couple of years, it was decided to move it to May to get a break from the heat. It has started in May every year since. It is Sam's hope that he can make 10 more runs, making it a grand total of 35. If Sam accomplishes his goal he will be the golden age of 95. Well Buckaroos, I have more about Sam and his 750/50 on the SSOM site so y'all come on out and see this whole thing in color. Right now Amana is filthy and in dire need of soap and water, having ridden through the big rain after the rally. Y'all ride safe - but mostly - ![]() ** (web note - obviously you are at the website, so yes, there is color) |
Bonus PIX
![]() Helen and Sam Phillips ![]() This Indian was made in Canada ![]() Guzzi in White ![]() Guzzi - Fire Engine Red ![]() Red - it has to be RED! ![]() Sam and Fred (BAD) Simpson ![]() 750/50