Brought to You By
Intense Effort
Music : Atomic Apostle

'Doc' Rogers


Robert 'Scooby' Bruce

Armadillo Truck Stop
Spanky helped put up my tent
Then it was off to the Armadillo for cobbler ala mode
1st Band

Of course, there was music

A Saturday breakfast at Takoda's

The finest people began to show

How many BGBB does it take to ... ?

Plenty of hugs to go around

Doc is leading us in prayer for what, pray tell?
 Not sure why she's
pulling up her shorts?

To witness a re-birth is simply awesome!

Pam - fit and trim

A special thanks to Jim Comfort,
Drummer and lead vocalist
Thanks so much for the CD's!

When the Spirit moves us

A quiet moment of peace and reflection

Happy Anniversary!

God Bless His Children

Through these gates they came.

A day blessed
Filled with joy
Hearts changed

Always a special day when two or more BGBB come together!

Ride em if ya got em
Page One
Ride em if ya got em!