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October 2015
Georgia  Keeffe 1974

Georgia  Keeffe 1974
The morning of June 1st 2015, in the Palo Duro Canyon, was as pleasant as anyone could expect. If you had called the front desk and ordered tomorrows morning, this morning would have been your selection. It was warm, not muggy. Those annoying, flying insects could not be found. The raccoons did not destroy my camp gear. Not a peep from the kids in the next camp; the silence only broken by the occasional call of a bird heralding the red line cutting a swath across the eastern horizon, to be soon followed by Sol’s golden smile. The clouds were mere wisps of white against the pale blue sky. The distant view was clear and sharp. It was with great reluctance that I broke camp and packed Amana – Time to go.
Palo Duro Peak

Palo Duro Canyon
7 Town Signs

Well Buckaroos, that was my path to New Mexico. In the next Folly I’ll tell you a little about my experiences in the “Land of Enchantment.” I had a great time discovering there was more to see than I imagined. Please join me next month, right here in the Daimler’s Folly.

Until then;
ride often, ride hard and ride safe, but mostly ... Ride em if ya go em!

A Cow Town
A Ranch

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