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February 2016

Terry Bradshaw Quote

Riders Forever
The love of the ride is strong in we, the motorcycle folk. We are often referred to as “bikers.” Not everyone says that with kindness in his or her heart. If they actually knew a biker I’m sure their tune would change in a heartbeat.

Each and every one of you can site several examples of bikers going beyond the call to help those in need. I bet close to 100% of y’all have participated in a toy run. I know it is true; I often feel a need to get out on the road and find somewhere I can make myself useful. T.M.R.A. has filled that role for well over 40 years. Before the state took it over, T.M.R.A taught new riders all over Texas how to ride safely. Many members still feel the call to aid the new riders. In the very late 80’s and early 90’s – during the “Great Motorcycle Rush,” – we were here to help smooth the way for many of the new riders. T.M.R.A. has always been a safe and giving organization. As you are, I am proud to be a member.

Very soon the T.M.R.A. State Rally will be upon us. There are members that have been coming to our rally for decades. It is a sincere show of devotion and old school commitment. We have gotten older. Most of our priorities have changed. The one common bond that has not changed is our love of motorcycle riding and the machines we sit upon. I am looking forward to seeing you again this year. I hope to see some new riders as well. All are welcome. We’ll be there on April 8, 9 & 10 in the Comanche City Park. Camping is free and there are plenty of motels if your bones reject the great outdoors or if the mood strikes you.

As Promised
The Valley

In the last Sunshine State of Mind I promised to tell you about another beautiful ride in the neighboring state of New Mexico. We covered some history and I mentioned some ideas about vacationing in the area – focusing on Bandelier National Monument. I want to tell you about one other NM treasure; the spacious Valles Caldera. This sprawling valley is located a bit west of the Bandelier National Monument. You’ll have to navigate mountain roads; I’m sure you won’t mind. The view is breathtaking. My buddy Wolf told me that at the right time of year, the floor of the valley is covered with Elk. No, don’t take your deer rifles, no hunting allowed. I’m told the spectacle is worth the ride. I missed the elk, but it is on my bucket list.

You won’t be too far from Los Alamos if you need any creature comforts. Los Alamos was the location of the Manhattan Project during World War II. During that time, Los Alamos didn’t exist – wink, wink – nod nod. It is perfectly safe – you’ll love the view and the ride.

Well Buckaroos, I’ve wrapped up my New Mexico report. Please look me up at the rally. I want to see you.

Until then;
ride often, ride hard and ride safe, but mostly ... Ride em if ya go em 2016!

The Road Coming Up
Wolf and Chazz

Big Valley - Created By Volcanic Eruptions

Cappy Is Loving Every Minute of This Ride
The Road Down
Road Down

Click on the link to see past articles

Biker's Grave – Truchas, NM
Road Down

intense effort

Still Standing Tall

Thanks for stopping by